It's coming! #GivingTuesday!

Mark your calendars. #GivingTuesday is coming. But you can give starting TODAY, through 11.29.16 to help our MCAS Pets in Need. Donate here and join the global day of giving fueled by the power of collaboration through social media. Donate to Operation Pet’s Alive’s MCAS Pets Vetting Fund and SHARE your giving spirit using the hashtags #GivingTuesday and #GaveToSaveMCASPets across social media.
#GivingTuesday follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday ~ and kicks off our season of giving. No animal should be killed if it has a medical condition that is treatable. The MCAS Pets Vetting Fund was put in place to help those homeless pets receive the outside emergency and other medical care they need to heal and become adoptable to loving homes. Display YOUR attitude of gratitude by donating towards our MCAS Pets Vetting Fund, through Operation Pets Alive (OPA). Together, we can make a huge impact on the lives of our MCAS animals in need!